Surf The Web

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Where are you going? That is a very fundamental question. I find it that in your process towards success starts with that very question, that starting point. So many people are lost because they have no ideal where they are going. They never define their goals, and never start working towards them. That's the reason why 95% lack and put stumbling blocks and obstacles in their own path. When I was younger, I used to wonder how some people do what they want, when they want, and how they want to do it. Later on, once I started to mature, I realized that those Bill Gates, Warrren Buffetts, Donald Trumps, and a roster of others became who they are because of something that's simple. I learned that they had a major purpose and they planned and wrote out what they needed to do and how they was going to do it. Not to mention, they utilized all their time and effort towards them. At least the majority of their time. You didn't catch them chilling. You didn't catch them hanging out. You probably didn't ever see them. 

Truth be told, some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Hell, to me, some was born with gold or platinum spoon, even diamond ones. But, I'm not talking about or focused on them. I talking about all of us that's from the hood. The ones that knows the real definition of poverty and knows how it feels being broke. The kind of broke were you can't go to the corner store and buy a 50 cent drink. But over time, I have met many people. One thing I have come to realize is that some people just wish about things, and others, I mean a small "others" have a burning desire. Having a burning desire is crucial. That's what separates people and place them in certain categories. I'm not the one to judge. That's not my job. But that is how it really is out here in the world. Some might deny it but deep down inside, they knows it's the truth. 

I'm pretty sure that everyone wants to have a better life. Everybody wants money.  Money, cars, clothes, jewelry, big mansions, etc. Its nothing wrong with wanting that and you don't have to be materialistic to want those things. Even God said said he want us to have an abundant life.  And if your are not familiar with the word abundant, its a present in great quantity; more than adequate: over sufficient; well supplied, richly supplied.  So last thing I want to hear is that I'm being materialistic. And I advice you not to let anyone tell you that because when they tell your that and you accept it, you're basically saying to the hell with my dreams, I'm going to let them live my life. I can promise you this, if you just say forget it, you just making them feel good cause you didn't achieve anything in life. They will love to say the words TOLD YOU

Some people never go beyond a wish. They just wish and talk about their wishing to anyone they think will listen, even though they probably hear them a dozen times a month. If you know what your want from form life, go get it. I know you're not going tho let someone else dictate your life.  Sit down and determine what you want out of life, what you want to be or what your want to do. You have to be ambitious and have obligations.  Don't let the wind blow your around in the direction it wants to take you in. Like smoke in the air.  So what's your purpose?

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